- Lot size: 18636.4943 m²
Realtor Information
- Realtor Agent: Nellie Soto
- Realtor License Number: 19169
- Real Estate Company: JANA Realty
- Realtor Phone Number: 787-302-4768
Hermosa finca (lote I) localizada en área privada en la calle Roosevelt, Sector Playa Clara, Barrio San Isidro , Culebra y consta de 4.7416 cuerdas o 18,636.4943 MC. En la misma se puede construir un a bella residencia o un desarrollo turístico. Tiene excelente vista para norte y sur de la isla. Muy cercana al aeropuerto y poblado de la isla. Beautiful rectangular shape land lot (Lot I) located in a private area at Roosevelt St., Playa Clara Dev., San Isidro Ward, comprised of 18,636.4943 MC. Excellent for a residential unit or a tourist development. Located at the suburban area of Culebra, next to the town center and airport. Not subject to appraisal. Cash Sale or with financing approval.
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